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??????? 杨建平,男,汉族,1971年1月生于河北,1990年参加工作,1990年加入中国共产党。1990年7月河北柴沟堡师范学校毕业, 1996年7月河北师大法经系本科毕业(函授),2003年7月中央党校战略研究所国际政治专业硕士毕业,2010年9月至12月美国阿巴拉契亚州立大学沃克商学院访问学习。1990年7月河北柴师留校工作,1992年4月至2000年9月先后任张家口团地委地直团工委科员、团市委宣传部副部长、工农青年部部长(期间到张家口市尚义县大营盘乡扶贫两年),2003年8月至2012年2月先后任中国外文局局长秘书、文秘处副处长、文秘处处长、调研处处长,2012年2月任中国外文局翻译专业资格考评中心副主任。


??????? Yang Jianping, male, Han nationality, born in January 1971 in Hebei Province, started to work in 1990, became a Party member in 1990, graduated from Hebei Chaigoubu Normal School in July 1990, finished his undergraduate (correspondence) education in the Department of Law and Economics of Hebei Normal University in July 1996, completed his postgraduate education in the speciality of international politics in the Institute of Strategic Studies of the Central Party School in July 2003 and served as a visiting scholar at Walker School of Business, Appalachian State University from September to December 2010. In July 1990 he worked in Hebei Chaigoubu Normal School. From April 1992 to September 2000, he became a clerk of the League work committee of Zhangjiakou Prefecture League Committee, deputy head of the publicity department of the municipal League committee and head of the department of worker, farmer and youth work (he was engaged in poverty alleviation in Dayingpan Township, Shangyi County, Zhangjiakou City for two years). From August 2003 to February 2012, he acted as a secretary to Director of CIPG, deputy chief and chief of the division of secretarial work and chief of the division of investigation and research. Since February 2012, he has served as Deputy Director of CIPG’s National Translation Test and Appraisal Center.
